Monday, October 18, 2010


The clock on my laptop is showing '2:17AM' at the time of typing, but my eyes and mind are showing no signs of 'we-want-to-get-in-bed-now!'

Not knowing what to blog about ('cause I am lacking of energy for a pondering at this hour), I'm just going to share this rhyme with you (again), which I composed and posted on my FB status some time ago...

Monkeys see, monkeys do
Creatures of glee, they delight you
Annoying they can be, yet their natures are true
High on a tree, and on the ground too
Amusing themselves freely, like no one else can do

Monkeys see, monkeys do
Whatever they may be, CUTE they are as you! ;)

My 'geng karas' and I have a 'liking' for monkeys. Never understanding why, we just love to call each other 'mungit'. In no way, however, we would get annoyed with that. It's just a friendly gesture among us, calling names with these next-to-human creatures.

I guess one can hardly denies the cuteness of monkeys (whichever species they are). These beasts never fail to make us laugh - they are natural entertainers, and we love them as much as we hate them (see... I know you'd agree with me there hahaha).

Am Hoping that you like them too! ;)

Good night (or good morning :P) & GOD BLESS.


  1. gibbon paling kiut laa antara soma..hihii <3 <3 ur blog~

    "writing is a process, a journey into memory and the soul." Isabel Allende

  2. hahaa gibbon paling manang....
    hehe makasih joy... emmuuahhhh hehehe
