Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Work Dilemma

Eph 6:5-9
5 Slaves, be obedient to those who are, according to human reckoning, your masters, with deep respect and sincere loyalty, as you are obedient to Christ: 6 not only when you are under their eye, as if you had only to please human beings, but as slaves
of Christ who wholeheartedly do the will of God. 7 Work willingly for the sake of the Lord and not for the sake of human beings. 8 Never forget that everyone, whether a slave or a free man, will be rewarded by the Lord for whatever work he has done well. 9 And those of you who are employers, treat your slaves in the same spirit; do without threats, and never forget that they and you have the same Master in heaven and there is no favouritism with him.

Another answered prayer for me today.

Lately, I have to cope with some 'work dilemmas' in the office, where I was caught in a tight spot, not knowing how to react to the news I received. Making thing worse, were all the rumours circulating around, and I was left perplexed - didn't really understand what would happen next. It wasn't entirely a 'bad news', it's just that, I think I'm not ready for the wind of change.... yet, when the last I had was less than two months earlier.

On the surface, I'm playing Miss Cool, trying my best to disguise my uneasiness. When I first told about the 'news' last week, I got home headached (it lasted the whole night). This 'affair' went on for about two weeks, and today, the whole thing almost take its toll on me. I was wishing that I'd never have to deal with it. Subconsciously, I think I asked God to help me.

GOD HEARD ME. When I attended daily mass this evening, this passage hit me right - "Work willingly for the sake of the Lord and not for the sake of human beings". I thought, oh God, what have I done? I was so worried because I was doing it for myself, for my own satisfaction, and not for.... God.

Those Words of St Paul came as an answer for me, and I was at once relieved. The despair I felt earlier, vanished. I felt joy inside, now realising what He wants me to do - Whatever deeds we are doing, we MUST do it for the love of God. God alone is the Master, and we must be willing in doing all our works.

Facing yet another working day tomorow, I made my pledge - I shall try to work wholeheartedly, for the sake of serving Christ. One may ask, what relates your work with serving Christ? Well, to that, I can only answer this - God's way is not our way. Somehow He has a plan for us, and we as His creation, would never ever outwise Him to understand His magnificent plan.

To me, maybe, just maybe, that it is to work out our faithfulness to God, by learning to obey our bosses. :)

Tomorrow, coming to work, I think (and quite sure actually), that I'm going to be all smile again. Things may not work the way I hoped for, but in any case, I have a Father who leads my way. That, I could be rest assured. :)

Happy working everyone, and GOD BLESS. :)

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Circle of Friends (vid clip)

This time, just sharing this clip I made.... enjoy! :)

Specially dedicating this to all the wonderful friends I have around...

Monday, October 18, 2010

Black Beauty


That's exactly my sentiment right now.

This evening as I was having my dinner (sitting comfortably on the couch, in front of the TV), I saw this commercial ad about a beauty product, promising fairer skin when used. The ad was about a woman who lacked self confidence because of her dark skin, and regained it after using the 'fair lotion' on herself.

Seeing that ad, I grew furious.

Impulsively, I felt discrimination. Why should fairer people feel more confident? Why would one be ashamed of his/her dark complexion? Do skin colours matter at all? Most of all, what difference do these ads are, with racism? I couldn't help asking myself those and many other questions about this 'fair business'.

Many, mostly women, fall easy victims to this preying commercials. The ads often imply that 'whiter' people have bigger chance of succeeding in their careers, studies etc. Most of the time, they are portrayed by someone who is timid and withdrawn charactered. That is, of course, until they start using the so-called beauty product.

With all due respect to people who are dark-skinned naturally, they DO look beautiful, without even need to 'bleach' their skin. When I was younger, I used to think that way too, that I must make my complexion fairer. Thank God I was awaken before late.

Now, for me SKIN COLOURS DO NOT MATTER AT ALL. Every person has his/her own uniqueness, given by God. I'm not shouting out that we shouldn't make ourselves look more beautiful, at all. But it sadden me, when seeing ads like those, that we are taught in such a way, to mould ourselves into what this world wants to see, and not accepting who we really are.

To all of you out there, especially girls and women - YOU LOOK STUNNING regardless of how you look like and what skin colour you have. The inner beauty is what we should be taking care of. Ask yourself, why do you care so much when other people judge about your look/skin colour? Do others' ideas of 'beauty' worth so much for your dignity?

Let's stop this lie, together. We could start out by telling ourselves 'I AM BEAUTIFUL', accepting what God has given us. After all, nothing on us belongs to ourselves. From Him all things come, and to Him all things shall return. We are His creations, and to God, every single part of us is beautiful.

Here's praying and wishing that all of us feel graciously thankful for His wonderful gift of life.



The clock on my laptop is showing '2:17AM' at the time of typing, but my eyes and mind are showing no signs of 'we-want-to-get-in-bed-now!'

Not knowing what to blog about ('cause I am lacking of energy for a pondering at this hour), I'm just going to share this rhyme with you (again), which I composed and posted on my FB status some time ago...

Monkeys see, monkeys do
Creatures of glee, they delight you
Annoying they can be, yet their natures are true
High on a tree, and on the ground too
Amusing themselves freely, like no one else can do

Monkeys see, monkeys do
Whatever they may be, CUTE they are as you! ;)

My 'geng karas' and I have a 'liking' for monkeys. Never understanding why, we just love to call each other 'mungit'. In no way, however, we would get annoyed with that. It's just a friendly gesture among us, calling names with these next-to-human creatures.

I guess one can hardly denies the cuteness of monkeys (whichever species they are). These beasts never fail to make us laugh - they are natural entertainers, and we love them as much as we hate them (see... I know you'd agree with me there hahaha).

Am Hoping that you like them too! ;)

Good night (or good morning :P) & GOD BLESS.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Old Folks Tale

Approximately an hour to noon today (Oct 14 2010), one of my best friends texted me on cell - it was a saddening news, her grandmother had pass away.

I took a pause from my office work, offering a brief moment of silence and prayer for Jane's grandmother. I prayed for her soul, as I texted back 'she returned to the Lord, & now in His good Hands'.

I lost my Ah Kung (paternal grandpa) when I was 8, Ah Po (paternal grandma) in 1999, and Bapak (maternal grandpa) May last year. The only immediate grandparent I have now is Mama, mum's mother. And when she fell really ill earlier this year, I was so afraid of...... losing her.

Praise the Lord, Mama recovered. Even though Mama's health deteriorated, comparing to months earlier, I'm just so glad and thankful to God for her recovery. It feels like a given chance, to appreciate more of the person who brought my mother to this world.

Sometimes grandparents are taken for granted. Most of them live a quiet life, while their children/grandchildren continue their hectic lives. We seldom visit them (when they live apart from us) because they do not demand much of our presence, even when they miss us to the bone. They hardly ever verbalise their feelings, only to our comprehensions, the look on their faces and the speaking in their eyes.

A melancholic feeling runs through my veins now, as I think about Mama. She has short memory loss sometimes, not remembering names and what she does or says just minutes earlier. That is explicable, as she is in her 70's. But catching a sight on that, it could still make me teary-eyed. She was chatty before, but now she tires easily, and always retire to bed soon after nighfall.

I pray that God bless Mama everyday, that she feels loved by all of us, her family. There are no words great enough to tell her how much we love her, only through the touch of God's grace.

I pray, too, that everyone cherishes their grandparents. And if yours are no longer around, do pray for their souls, that they may rest in peace eternally.

God Bless.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Circle

I have a confession to make....

I grew up as an introvert.

Perhaps that was primarily contributed by my childhood experiences, which made me a somewhat depressed girl. I had friends, still, but only handful that I'd get close with. Insecurity bound me, for fear that I was no good a friend to anybody.

That changed, though, when I got to know some wonderful people, who fill up a major part of my life now.

Our encounters were unplanned - at least not by us. It was GOD'S PLAN, I believe. Some of them, I have come to know since childhood years, some, only a few years back. It came as a little surprise, looking at now, how God has brought us all together in this circle of friendships.

I share my life, ups and downs, with these God-sent angels. They leave me feeling blessed everyday, and I can't thank Him enough for this. They are always there, through my joy and distress. Their helping hands reach out whenever I'm in need.

The essence of our friendships, no doubt, is GOD'S LOVE. We strengthen each other by offering brotherly/sisterly love. We enjoy the company of each other, and take pleasure in sharing about our lives and Christian faiths.
I laugh A LOT (yes, capitals), when they are around. They cheer me up in one way or another, and they make my day, EVERYDAY. I found a deeper meaning in life, by journeying together with them as children of the Father.

Call me emotive, but BLISSFUL is what I'm feeling right now. Like the usual saying goes - "people, you know who you are" - mentioning names isn't necessary here, for I know deeply, you get my acknowledgement.

Taking this chance, I thank you all for your presence in my life.


Love you all, 'mungits' ;)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Clean within..

Today's (Tuesday October 12 2010) reading:
"Give for alms those things which are within" Luke 11:37-41
37 While he was speaking, a Pharisee asked him to dine with him; so he went in and sat at table. 38 The Pharisee was astonished to see that he did not first wash before dinner. 39 And the Lord said to him, "Now you Pharisees cleanse the outside of the cup and of the dish, but inside you are full of extortion and wickedness. 40 You fools! Did not he who made the outside make the inside also? 41 But give for alms those things which are within; and behold, everything is clean for you.

Reading this today, it struck me instantly...

"Am I clean 'inside'?" was what I asked myself.

Many a time, I make the effort to appear 'clean'. I try my best to be nice to all people around me; seek to control my temperament so that I do not offend anyone; restraining myself from uttering 'magic words'.....

I suppose, by far I manage to 'behave'.

However, divulging my heart, I have to come clean, that there's something hideous still dwells 'inside' of me. Greed, jealousy, rivaling, judging, criticising.... are all that have been staining my 'inside' every day, without me realising it.

At most times, we tend to trim our images, so that they would appear 'nice and clean'. But how many times do we ponder upon what's 'inside'?

Jesus' message is transparent. He taught us to be clean internally as much as externally. Being sterile inside, the outer stains do not matter at all. It is not easy, nor is it impossible. GOD'S LOVE is the ultimate answer. As human beings, we are always seeking for earthly perfections, sometimes to the extent of betraying our Creator.

I tried hard on the surface, and I shall now do the same to my 'inside'. Praying that the Holy Spirit guides me everyday in my doings, that I may prime God's love in every walks of my earthly life.

God Speed.


***From my Facebook Notes - posted October 10, 2010 at 8:13am***

Am wondering how to begin...

So, ok.... here it goes...

I recently realise that I am now a happier person than I used to be. Not that I've overcome all life's obstacles - they're still here and there, jolting their way through the calmness in life - but I just feel simply..... happy.

Contemplating upon the 'source' of it, something snapped out of nowhere (in my thoughts), that IT IS GOD'S LOVE that works it. Yes, this realisation might come a bit too late, but then, nothing is ever too late for God.

I delved deeper, and I further realise that the LOVE comes in the forms of many things around me. Worldly possessions that I never thought I would had, are right there before my eyes, and they are so much more than I ever dreamed of. I have company of families, whom I used to take for granted. Then there came some best friends, with whom I share most of my daily ups and downs with. And even in hardships and struggles, the Love never shades Itself.

I struggled through my childhood and teenage years, and never really had the experiences that most youngsters get to enjoy. I blamed Him once, at one point when I 'had enough of the world'. I've had many regrets in my life; too many why's, frustrated at my own imperfections, and wanted 'everything' this world has to offer.

But now, all those miserable feelings that I used to have, seems to ebb away, and at most times, I don't feel them at all.

I am no angel, though. Sometimes I'm still ignorant on the things that I know God wants me to do. I don't pray enough (because I forget to) and I still feel horribly 'evil' at times.

But through it all, I feel blessed. With all the trials that come my way, I am certain - like I once shared - that they are just small parts of God's bigger plan for me. It's blissful to feel God's love - not by being loved by other people, but by loving others unconditionally, even when I'm feeling unappreciated or rejected by people that I show my love to.

I do not believe in the saying 'I can forgive, but not forget'. Being forgiving with a heart of love, one does not need to keep the 'remembrance' of what wrongs others do to him/her.

God has answered many of my prayers, in ways that I never imagined. I never came to be thankful to those answered prayers 'on the spot'. My comprehensions, more often than not, come long after He stretch for me. As a creature of weaknesses, how easy I am to fall into the snare of ungratefulness!

As I live another day today, I'll keep my heart crossed to be happy and content, in every part of my earthly life. Job was a biblical figure of my admiration. He was repentant, remembering God with thankfulness, patience, and steadfastness, through the very toughest tests that were laid upon him.

Praying that all of you, too, are blessedly happy now! :)